Puzzlers Jordan RSS
puzzlers Jordan page om facebook reached 20,000 fans
We are so happy to have reached 20,000 fans! A special thanks to each and every one of you for your support. we’ve got lots of exciting things coming soon, so stay in touch!#Jo #Puzzlers #Jordan #PuzzlersJo #puzzle #الأردن
Puzzlers Product Stand - Zakka Gallery
New Collection of puzzles available in Zakka Gallery - Irbidأشكال جديدة بمعرض زكا في إربد, يمكن زيارة الموقع وأختيار البزل المناسبةوممكن تجربة البز الموجودة في المعرض #Puzzle #Puzzlers #Jordan #Amman #Irbid #بزل
launching our website we have lift off! New Webiste launch
launching our website we have lift off! New Webiste launch!